Environment vocabulary


Watch the video on environment vocabulary, then answer the questions below. There is also additional reading, and a full list of words at the end.

Duration: 12.54 Published: 13 Mar, 2022 View on YouTube »» View on Youku »»

Exercise 1


Exercise 2

Answer the following questions (next question will be shown after you have answered the one before).


Exercise 3


Exercise 4



Below is a reading passage containing many of the words or phrases from the video. Some other useful words or phrases are also highlighted. Key:
            words/phrases from the video;
            other useful words/phrases.

Threats to Biodiversity

The core threat to biodiversity on the planet, and therefore a threat to human welfare, is the combination of human population growth and resource exploitation. The human population requires resources to survive and grow, and those resources are being removed unsustainably from the environment. The three greatest threats to biodiversity are habitat loss, over-harvesting, and the introduction of exotic species. The first two of these are a direct result of human population growth and resource use. The third results from increased mobility and trade. A fourth major cause of extinction, anthropogenic (i.e. human-caused) climate change, has not yet had a large impact, but it is predicted to become significant during this century. Global climate change is also a consequence of human activity, which releases carbon dioxide and methane, two of the most important greenhouse gases, via two mechanisms, namely the burning of fossil fuels, such as petrol, coal and natural gas, as well as via deforestation, cement manufacture, animal agriculture, the clearing of land, and the burning of forests. Environmental issues, such as toxic pollution, have specific targeted effects on species, but are not generally seen as threats at the magnitude of the others.

Adapted from: 47.3 Threats to Biodiversity and 44.5 Climate and the Effects of Global Climate Change from Biology 2e, an OpenStax text book by Rice University. Download for free at https://openstax.org/details/books/biology-2e.

List of words

Below is a list of words/phrases from the video, with part of speech and other information. Key:
            the word (or both words of a collocation) is in the list, or is mid-frequency;
            one word of a collocation is in the list or is mid-frequency, but the other is not.

Mid-frequency means 4k to 9k in the BNC/COCA list, i.e. words 3001-9000. Collocations are listed first.

#Word/phrasePart of speechRelated words/notesACLAWLAVLSPLSVLFreq
1climate changen+n3k/1k
2fossil fuelsn+nE.g. oil, coal, gas4k/3k
3global warmingadj+n3k/1k
4greenhouse gasesadj+nMost common are carbon dioxide (CO2) 80%, methane (NH4) 10%, nitrous oxide (N2O) 7%4k/1k
5human activityadj+nE.g. transportation, energy production1k/2k
6intensive farmingadj+n2k/1k
7renewable energyadj+nE.g. solar, wind, hydropower1k/2k
10degradationn+ of5k
11deteriorationn+ of/in4k
12environmentaladj~ problems/concerns/impact/etc.2k
14habitatnnatural ~, ~ loss5k
15impactn/vto have an ~ on3k
16naturaladj~ resources/etc.1k
18ruraladj~ areas3k
19urbanadjurbanisation (n), ~ areas/development3k
20utilisationnutilise (v)4k


20 words and phrases related to crime, including deterrent, enforce, engage in and perpetrator.



20 words and phrases related to the environment, including biodiversity, deforestation, environmental and impact.


Physical health

Study 20 words and phrases related to mental health, such as diet, physical activity, cardiovascular disease and obesity.



Watch the videos to understand word meaning and usage.


Check your word knowledge with interactive exercises


See the words in context with additional, authentic texts.


Improve your writing by using the words and collocations.

Sheldon Smith

Author: Sheldon Smith    ‖    Last modified: 13 March 2022.

Sheldon Smith is the founder and editor of EAPFoundation.com. He has been teaching English for Academic Purposes since 2004. Find out more about him in the about section and connect with him on Twitter, Facebook and LinkedIn.

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